The deliverables of e-shape project are listed below per Work Package. Following their final approval by the European Commission, you can download the deliverables which are public in terms of dissemination level.
The objectives of this work package are to ensure an efficient and smooth coordination of the scientific and technical activities as well as the overall administration of the project. The main tasks will consist of:
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D1.1 Quality Assurance Plan 1- ARMINES, Report Confidential, M3
D1.2 Data Management Plan (first) 1 - ARMINES, ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot, Confidential, M6
D1.3 Support Service Desk User Guide 8 - DEIMOS, Report Confidential, M6
D1.4 Data Management Plan (second) 1 - ARMINES ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot, Confidential, M12
D1.5 Data Management Plan (third) 1 - ARMINES ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot, Confidential, M24
D1.6 Data Management Plan (final) 1 - ARMINES ORDP: Open Research Data Pilot, Confidential, M34
The co-design of showcases and pilots in e-shape implies a dual challenge:
The objective is to develop (model, experiment, test and validate) a co-design process derived from the already validated KCP process and adapted to e-shape.
The work package will unfold in 2 cycles: cycle 1: quick and smart learning cycle to diagnose pilots needs for co-design, conduct initial experiment of a first co-design process with some pilots; cycle 2: co-design processes generalized to all pilots to diffuse the co-design model and learn on specific cases.
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s work on co-design. On this topic, the role of e-shape is to develop (model, experiment, test and validate) a co-design approach adapted to the Earth Observation context, based on recent advances of design theory. The key expected impact is that co-design helps design services in a long-term perspective, involving both service providers' ecosystem and users’ ecosystem.
This deliverable is part of the first phase of the work, which is to make a first review of existing co-design methods in different fields, better characterize the specificities of the Earth Observation context and propose a first model of co-design that takes into account these specificities.
The key learnings that D2.1 brings to the e-shape pilots and EO community are:
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s work on co-design. On this topic, the role of e-shape is to develop (model, experiment, test and validate) a co-design approach adapted to the Earth Observation context, based on recent advances of design theory. The key expected impact is that co-design helps design services in a long-term perspective, involving both service providers' ecosystem and users’ ecosystem.
This deliverable presents an updated co-design model adapted to e-shape, based on the outcomes of further experimentation with one e-shape pilot. The key learnings that D2.2 brings to the e-shape pilots and EO community are:
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s work on co-design. On this topic, the role of e-shape is to develop (model, experiment, test and validate) a co-design approach adapted to the Earth Observation context, based on recent advances of design theory. The key expected impact is that co-design helps design services in a long-term perspective, involving both service providers' ecosystem and users’ ecosystem.
In the present deliverable, the outcomes of the experimentations on the “diagnosis process” for all e-shape pilots are presented. The key learnings that D2.2 brings to the e-shape pilots and EO community are:
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This deliverable presents the validated model of co-design process for e-shape. The following results are more specifically stressed: (1) co-design involves the implementation of a dynamic process of specific types of co-design actions, to unlock the different blocking points occurring in the development of EO-based services over time, (2) each co-design action aims at creating a ‘resilient fit’ between stakeholders.
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This deliverable complements D2.4 deliverable by compiling the outcomes of the co-design actions experimented with e-shape pilots. It especially highlights the outcomes following ‘organizational’ KPI and ‘cognitive’ KPI, and presents the frameworks proposed by WP2 to synthesize these outcomes.
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This deliverable presents the validated model of co-design process for e-shape (update of D2.4deliverable). Previous deliverables already highlighted the importance of including two phases in the co-design process: (1) a critical “diagnosis process” to identify the co-design needs, classified in four main types of co-design, (2) the implementation of co-design actions to address these co-design needs. This deliverable aims at presenting the updated version of the co-design framework, based on latest advances of the work-package. The following results are more specifically stressed: (1)co-design involves the implementation of a dynamic process of specific types of co-design actions, to unlock the different blocking points occurring in the development of EO-based services over time, (2) each co-design action aims at creating a ‘resilient fit’ between stakeholders.
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This deliverable complements D2.6deliverable(and is an update of D2.5 deliverable)by compiling the outcomes of the co-design actions experimented with e-shape pilots. It especially highlights the outcomes following ‘organizational’ KPI and ‘cognitive’ KPI, and presents the frameworks proposed byWP2 to synthesize these outcomes.
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This document details the actions implemented by WP2 to disseminate the co-design method it has developed in the framework of the European e-shape project.
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This document details the actions implemented by WP2 to disseminate the co-design method it has developed in the framework of the European e-shape project.
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WP3 has the objectives of structuring the efforts for conducting a coordinated approach of development for each pilot based on the analysis of commonalities, of implementing the pilots and of assessing results against the original assessment and plan and the users’ needs. Each pilot will use the most suitable solution for implementation building on top of existing datasets and European platforms (GEOSS Platform, DIAS, NextGEOSS, EOSC, in-situ observatories, citizen observatories, Data Hubs, etc.) and brokerage mechanisms (GEOSS platform DAB). WP3 will respect the recommendations of GEO Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF), of the GEOSS Data Management Principles, the compliance of the INSPIRE Directive, the European Open Data policy and when applicable the use of open standards developed by the global geospatial community. The strategic activity of the WP will aim at issuing a guide for application developers, decision makers, and experts in the framework of e-shape.
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D3.1 Pilots initial assessment report 18 - OGCE, Report Confidential, M7
This deliverable describes the implementation plans merging the initial plans from the pilots and updates out of the initial assessment and co-design initial lessons.
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This Deliverable 3.3, as a follow up of Deliverable 3.1 and 3.2, describes how this methodology is been implemented, the status of sprint 1 implementation and introduces the first assessment methodology. It also introduces the ongoing works.
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This Deliverable 3.4, as a follow up of Deliverable 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 reports on the outcomes of Sprint 1. In the grant document, this deliverable is defined as follow: D3.4: Pilot Sprint 1 report [20] D3.4 will report on the first phase of development of each pilot. First analyses on common needs, common developments and on the first lessons learnt will be provided.
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This Deliverable 3.5, as a follow up of Deliverable 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 3.4 reports captures the outcomes of the second Sprint. It is built on the same template as D3.4 to be able to compare Sprint 1 and Sprint 2. In the grant document, this deliverable is defined as follows: "D3.5 - Pilot Sprint 2 report (M35): D 3.5 will report on the second phase of development of each pilot."
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This Deliverable 3.6, as a follow up of Deliverable 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 reports captures the outcomes of the second Sprint. It is built on the same template as D3.4 to be able to compare Sprint 1 and Sprint 2.
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This document is a Proof Of Concept (POC) provided as a first draft of the e-shape Guide development.
The e-shape guide for development does not attempt to develop expertise on all topics but rather to share a holistic approach and understanding, to support all the EO stakeholders' profiles in their global process from data to product delivery and in their interactions with their multidisciplinary teams. Its goal is to mainstream a baseline of knowledge to develop the community, intensify the connections between the different expertise and skills, and speed up the development process from the concept to a prototype and operations in a domain that constantly evolves, and is resource and knowledge-intensive.
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The e-shape H2020 Project brings together decades of public investment in Earth Observation and more recently in cloud capabilities into services to the citizens, the industry, the decision-makers, and researchers. e-shape promotes the development and uptake of 37 cloud-based pilot applications, addressing the Sustainable Development Goals, The Paris Agreement, and the Sendaï Framework.
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The overarching aim of WP4 is the promotion of the pilot projects at national and international scale, across vertical markets and amongst key user communities thereby growing the pool of candidates for co-design, making pilots more globally accessible, and increasing the market uptake of the pilots. This goal will be achieved through 3 Tasks: explicitly approaching pools of new users (T4.1 User Uptake), building capacity amongst the pilot project developers and potential users (T4.2 Capacity building), and liaising with other stakeholders that can act as multipliers to leverage the efforts of user engagement activities (T4.3 Institutional alignment). This WP will be led by EARSC with support from EVF, ARMINES, NoA, Eurisy, ITC and Showcase leaders. This Task will be coordinated by EARSC.
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D4.1 User uptake strategy and action plan (a) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M6
The overarching aim of WP4 is the promotion of e-shape pilots at national and international scale, across vertical markets and among user communities, thereby growing a pool of candidates for co-design, making pilots more globally accessible, and increase the market uptake of the pilots. Through the three tasks assigned to this WP –User uptake, Capacity building and Institutional alignment -, this report focuses on the third task, liaising with stakeholders that can act as multipliers to leverage the efforts of user engagement activities. The objective of this document is to set out a strategy for organizing engagement actions with key stakeholders.
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The EO Maturity Indicators Methodology (D4.3.), developed as part of work package 4 - Users’ Uptake, Capacity Building and Liaison, seeks to provide decision makers (primarily) and other value chain actors (e.g. research institutes, companies, user communities) with a robust tool for assessing the current state of Earth Observation Activities in their specific countries. In line with e-shape’s brief - act as a catalyst for the sustainable development of EO-based solutions - this tool serves a simple yet very important purpose: identifying and assessing strengths, weaknesses, and gaps to further enable organisations entrusted with the design, development, and exploitation of EO activities to draft future plans and manage ongoing initiatives. In practice, the EO Maturity Indicators Methodology proposes a set of relevant indicators alongside appropriate assessment methodologies to empower all interested parties in acquiring an advanced understanding of i) stakeholder ecosystem, ii) EO enabling infrastructure, iii) uptake across different domains, iv) active partnerships, and v) innovation environment capacity and dynamics. As part of an ongoing process of refinement, the proposed methodology will be presented to country partners to ensure it is simple enough to be implemented for and by any country, ideally on a periodical basis.
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Besides the pilot-development focused activities, e-shape, through its work package 4, seeks to actively engage the community by providing: -the tools (i.e. best practices), -methodologies (EO maturity indicators), -resources (EOWiki 2.0), and -practical support (training sessions) necessary to cultivate better interactions and exchanges between EO services suppliers and their respective users. In that regard, WP4 seeks to nurture a broader access and participation within the community and finally contribute to an improved uptake amongst new and established audiences.
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D4.5 EOWiki 2.0 7 - EARSC, Websites, patents filling, etc., Confidential, M12
D4.6 User uptake strategy and action plan (b) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M24
The EO Maturity Indicators (EOMI) Methodology aims at providing decision makers (primarily) and other value chain actors (e.g. research institutes, companies, user communities) with a robust tool to assess the status of Earth Observation (EO) activities in their country. This serves a simple yet very important purpose: for organisations entrusted with the design, development and exploitation of EO activities (including budgeting and prioritisation) to be able to draft future plans and manage ongoing initiatives, it is crucial to know current strengths, weaknesses and gaps. In developing a good level of “knowing thyself” around EO activities, one needs to have a good grasp of how advanced the stakeholder ecosystem is, how well developed the enabling infrastructure, how widespread the level of uptake across different domains, how well established the partnerships with other actors, and, finally, how well structured the innovation environment.
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Through the three tasks assigned to this WP – user uptake, Capacity building and Institutional alignment -, this report focuses on the first task, supporting the uptake of the 37 e-shape pilots across new markets and community of users. The objective of this document is to provide an overview of the first half of the workshops (24 in total) conducted by EARSC and WP4 partner Eurisy. It provides (i) An analysis of the e-shape User uptake workshops organisation and achievements: (ii) Showcase the level of interaction of the e-shape pilots with potential new users through the workshops as emerged during the first half of the project and (iii) Recommendations for improving the second half of the workshop’s organisation for the period 2022-2023.
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The overarching aim of WP4 is the promotion of e-shape pilots at national and international scale, across vertical markets and among user communities, thereby growing a pool of candidates for co-design, making pilots more globally accessible, and increase their market reach. The objective of this document is to provide an overview of the insights gathered across the three tasks assigned to WP4–User uptake, Capacity building and Institutional alignment, supporting the uptake of the 37e-shape pilots across new markets and community of users.
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D4.10 Training Reports (a) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M33
D4.11 3 – 5 Joint Action Plans (a) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M36
Through Work Package 4 “Users’ Uptake, Capacity Building and Liaison” and in particular Task 4.2 “Capacity Building”, e-shape aims to actively engage the community by providing guidance as regards best practices, methodologies, resources, and trainings. Outputs of capacity building activities have been combined into overarching guides available to Pilot partners and the greater community. The first such guide, D4.4 “Capacity Building Best Practice Guide” focused on EO platforms such as e-shape’s eoMALL and eoWiki, provided an introduction to co-design, the subject of data discovery, and the EO Maturity Indicators developed under e-shape. With further capacity building activities performed and updates to methodologies developed, this deliverable D4.12 provides an update and extension to the first best practice guide.
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D4.13 3 – 5 Joint Action Plans (b) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M40
D4.14 Final report on User Uptake (Draft) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M44
D4.15 Training Reports (b) 7 - EARSC Report Confidential, M46
The objective of this document is to provide the last and final overview of the second half of the workshops (26 in total) conducted by EARSC and WP4 partner Eurisy. It provides (i) An analysis of three-shape user uptake workshops organization and achievements, (ii) Showcase the level of interaction of the e-shape pilots with potential new users through the workshops and (iii) Recommendations for how to maintain and develop the user uptake workshop methodology and strategy for the future.
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D4.17 Final report on User Uptake (b) 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential, M48
WP5 has the objective to support the sustainability of pilots, promote their penetration in vertical markets (public and private) and establish and implement a mechanism for pilot upscaling and on-boarding. It will also lay out governance perspectives for the long-term impact of key e-shape components.
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The “On-boarding process refinement” defines and documents the process through which a new pilot can be on-boarded to become a new beneficiary of e-shape. Used internally to plan and execute actions, the on-boarding process is also a tool to engage with a potential future beneficiary of e-shape improving their understanding of requirements and expectations.
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The overall aim of WP5 is the long-term sustainability of e-shape Pilots, their penetration in the public and private markets and the support of their upscaling. In that context, a comprehensive effort to assess the maturity of R&D activities is proposed by e-shape. The methodology driving this effort is described in this report.
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The Market Trends Observatory constitutes the first component of the e-shape “Sustainability Booster” -to be developed as part of work package 5 (Sustainability and upscaling) - envisaged as a wide range of support tools to be made available through a dedicated online environment. In other words, as part of the so called Market Trends Observatory, deliverable D5.3, experts will be monitoring market trends, policy priorities and technological developments by carrying out desk research and interviews in order to produce insights that could help the e-shape partners, and/or the wider EO community, reap associated opportunities. The acquired insights will be progressively made accessible as articles published on the dedicated online environment. [kindly include specific link]
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To achieve its sustainability objectives, among other tools, developed under work package 5 - Sustainability and upscaling - e-shape will be designing, setting-up and operating an Earth Observation dedicated “IP and Innovation Office”. Managed by a combined team of IP, Innovation, and EO experts, the “Office” aims to become an online resource, through which pilot partners, primarily, and the greater EO community, secondarily, can gain access to IP and Innovation support either by reaching out or by browsing through readily available materials. Besides making use of best practices associated with existing resources (such as the European IPR Helpdesk, the IP Booster, etc) and “translating” these to match the operational realities of EO actors, the “Office” aims to generate added value by exploiting their outputs, increasing their visibility and generating additional traffic towards them as described in the first dedicated deliverable (D5.4 First Annual Report on IP and Innovation Office). Use and other parameters will be monitored throughout the project to fine-tune services in line with the pilot’s innovation and IP needs.
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Within the scope of work package 5 - Sustainability and upscaling, the Sustainability Support Package provides a detailed framework and methodology for assessing the economic and non-economic aspects pertaining to the implementation and sustainable exploitation of EO services as developed by the pilots within e-shape. More specifically, the pilot partners are to receive the necessary support (provided by WP5’s experts) to develop their own business or financial sustainability plans. The D5.5 deliverable - Sustainability Support Package - provides a framework (to be shared with the pilot leaders) intended as a first step in guiding the pilots to develop their business / financial sustainability plans further in the project. “Economic Sustainability Sheets” (accompanied by a guide on use and application) are introduced as tools for capturing key information about core activities thus paving the way towards designing fully-fledged plans – to be subsequently drafted and reported on in deliverable D5.11 “Sustainability or Business Plan per Pilot”.
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The overall aim of WP5 is the long-term economic sustainability of e-shape Pilots, their penetration in the public and private markets and the support of their upscaling. This will be achieved by providing a wide range of support measures that will be accessed in a dedicated online environment –the e-shape Sustainability Booster, complemented by on-demand services supplied by qualified experts. Access to finance is one crucial aspect to ensure sustainability beyond the lifetime of the e-shape project. The Investment Readiness Support activities aim to follow and map additional sources of support for innovation and funding opportunities for the e-shape Pilots and to support the Pilots in identifying, selecting, and securing investment and funding. The Investment and Funding Landscape Navigator represents the information component of Investment Readiness Support. It is a tool that contains investment and funding opportunities mapped to the e-shape Showcases, made available through a user interface that allows search and filtering for best match with a specific e-shape Pilot.
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The Interim review of on-boarding process as applied to new pilots presents the process of the evaluation and selection of the 5 new pilots that will integrate the e-shape consortium. The document briefly introduces the summary of the Call for EO-based Products 2020 and the evaluation jury and it continues with the selection and evaluation phases description: 1)“Process to evaluate the applications”, defines the selection criteria on which the applications have been evaluated 2)“Process of application selection”, describes the detailed process of selection of the 34 applications 3)“Presentation of the 5 best applications”, present the 5 best applications proposed to the consortium and approved by the e-shape General Assembly. The document describes each of these 3 phases and concludes with the findings, lessons learned and success stories.
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The services and products developed by the different e-shape pilots have the potential to deliver significant benefits to their engaged users but also to additional stakeholders in the associated value chains. Understanding and quantifying –where possible –these benefits can support both the development of solutions that are better fit-for-purpose, but also stimulate their wider uptake. This becomes more prevalent when considering the mission of e-shape with regards to upscaling the pilot outputs. In view of this, e-shape will produce three reports on “Socio-economic value of EO in selected sectors”. These shall function as a “marketing” support tool targeted at the different user communities and providing impetus to the policy making surrounding the uptake of Copernicus and the e-shape showcases.
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This deliverable explores the different options for the future governance of EuroGEO based on the e-shape experience. A short analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the current organization is conducted and some governance models are proposed. An updated version of this deliverable is planned at month 46 of the project.
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D5.10 EuroGEOSS eoMALL Gallery 10 - EVF, Websites, patents filling, etc., Confidential, M24
D5.11 First Sustainability or Business Plans per Pilot 10 - EVF, Report Confidential, M24
The overall aim of WP5 is the long-term sustainability of e-shape Pilots, their penetration in the public and private markets and the support of their upscaling. This will be achieved by providing a wide range of support measures that will be accessed under the so-called Sustainability Booster. The Sustainability Booster provides a dedicated online environment through which knowledge and tools can be accessed and requests for on-demand services can be made by e-shape Pilots. These on-demand services cover areas such as business planning, innovation processes and strategies, Intellectual Property considerations, as well as investment and funding opportunities. Qualified experts are available under the Sustainability Booster to provide these services. This report provides an overview of the Sustainability Booster implementation, usage to this date, and planning of activities throughout the lifetime of the e-shape project and beyond.
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D5.13 Second Annual Report on Innovation and IPR Helpdesk 10 - EVF, Report Confidential, M24
The overall aim of WP5 is the long-term sustainability of e-shape Pilots, their penetration in the public and private markets and the support of their upscaling. In that context, a comprehensive effort to assess the maturity of R&D activities is proposed by e-shape. The methodology driving this effort is described in this report.
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The Investment Readiness Programme has (i) investigated investment and funding needs among e-shape Pilots, (ii) developed online training and knowledge resources to educate Pilots on relevant subjects, and (iii) set up expert capabilities available to provide on-demand support related to investment and funding needs.
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The services and products developed by the different e-shape pilots have the potential to deliver significant benefits to their engaged users but also to additional stakeholders in the associated value chains. Understanding and quantifying – where possible – these benefits can support both the development of solutions that are better fit-for-purpose, but also stimulate their wider uptake. This becomes more prevalent when considering the mission of e-shape with regards to upscaling the pilot outputs. In view of this, e-shape will produce three reports on “Socio-economic value of EO in selected sectors”. These shall function as a “marketing” support tool targeted at the different user communities and providing impetus to the policy making surrounding the uptake of Copernicus and the e-shape showcases.
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The overall aim of WP5 is the long-term sustainability of e-shape Pilots, their penetration in the public and private markets and the support of their upscaling. This will be achieved by providing a wide range of support measures that will be accessed under the so-called Sustainability Booster. This report provides an overview of the Sustainability Booster components, their associated activity to date, links to other deliverables with further information, and planning of activities throughout the remainder of the e-shape project and beyond.
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In this Third Annual Report on IP and Innovation Office (M36), we look at the activities carried out since the previous report (M24). More precisely, in the following pages, we look back at the launch of the revamped online instance of the IIPO (chapter 2), the interactions with other key actors and the respective activities in this period (chapter 3), the feedback received by pilots during Sprint-2 interactions (chapter 4), as well as the plans for further development, both through a list of short-term actions, and through a general plan for the evolution of the office under e-shape and beyond (chapter 5).
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D5.19 Business Plan of Sustainability Booster 10 - EVF, Report Confidential, 3M6
This report is a continuation of D5.3 First Market Trends Observatory, presenting the latest updates and the ongoing editorial process that ensures the relevance and sustainability of the e-shape online environment. The Market Trends Observatory is monitoring market trends, policy priorities, and technological developments in order to produce insights that could help e-shape partners, and the wider EO community as well, to capture associated opportunities. These Insights are accessible through a dedicated online environment. The latest articles are presented in this report along with user statistics. The selection of the topics has been done in full synch with the e-shape pilots. Subsequent batches will expand on these topics while adding new perspectives as markets, policy and technology evolve.
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The expected output of this activity is three publications focusing on different sectors, delivered at M23, M32 and M40: The first publication focused on the agricultural sector. The report combined inputs from previous work with a fresh look into the value chains served by the different pilots under the e-shape agriculture showcase, so that the potential benefits they yield were highlighted. The second publication focused on public wellbeing, linking to pilots in various showcases within e-shape which provide services related to public health, safety, and quality of life. The final publication (this report) focuses on natural capital and the environment and draws from various showcases within e-shape to illustrate the plethora of associated benefits.
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D5.22 Final Review of onboarding process as applied to new Pilots -Report 7 - EARSC, Report Confidential,M42
In this draft version of the Final Annual Report on IP and Innovation Office, we look at the activities carried out since the previous report (M36). More precisely, in the following pages, we look back at the continuous fine-tuning of the IIPO website content to stay relevant along the project for the e-shape pilots (chapter2), the interactions with other key actors and the respective activities in this period (chapter 3), the feedback received by pilots during Sprint-2 interactions (chapter 4), as well as the plans for further development under e-shape and beyond (chapter 5).
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This report provides an overview of the Sustainability Booster components, their associated activity to date, links to other deliverables with further information, and planning of activities throughout the remainder of the e-shape project and beyond.
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D5.25 Final Sustainability or Business Plans per Pilot 10 - EVF, Report Confidential, M40
The Final Annual Report on IP and Innovation Office summarizes the activities carried out since the third annual report(D5.18,M36). More precisely, in the following pages, we look back at the continuous fine-tuning of the IIPO website content to stay relevant along the project for the e-shape pilots (chapter2), the interactions with other key actors and the respective activities in this period(chapter 3), the feedback received by pilots during Sprint-2 interactions (chapter 4), as well as the plans for further development under e-shape and beyond (chapter 5).
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The overall aim of WP5 is to support the long-term sustainability of e-shape Pilots, their penetration in the public and private markets and the support of their upscaling. This was achieved by providing a wide range of support measures that are accessed under the so-called Sustainability Booster. The Sustainability Booster provides a dedicated online environment through which knowledge and tools can be accessed and requests for on-demand services can be made by e-shape Pilots. These on-demand services cover areas such as business planning, innovation processes and strategies, Intellectual Property considerations, as well as investment and funding opportunities. Qualified experts are available under the Sustainability Booster to provide these services.
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This deliverable is a follow-up of the deliverable 5.9which explored different options for the future governance of EuroGEO based on the e-shape experience. This deliverabledescribes the evolution of the landscape in GEO and the EO sector in Europe. It proposes an adaptation of the previous solutions to the new landscape based on the preliminary conclusions of e-shape and on the new Implementation Plan of EuroGEO.
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The overall aim of WP6 is to maximise project impact through an effective campaign of communication, dissemination and engagement activities. This will be achieved by: (i) raising awareness of and encouraging engagement with the project for targeted audiences; (ii) disseminating project results; and (iii) establishing the e-shape Help Desk.
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s work on Communication. Our main goal is to successfully promote the European engagement in Earth Observation, to communicate e-shape on its targeted audiences, to promote the EuroGEO Initiative, European Space Policy, Copernicus and GEO philosophy beyond the space / scientific community. In order to communicate our messages, influence change and create impact, it is vital that our community speaks with a singular, familiar and influential voice.
The main issue we are trying to address is the lack of recognition of the added-value brought by decades of investments and commitments into the space sector. Citizens, and sometimes decision-makers, cannot relate the value added brought by earth observation to concrete services impacting millions of European citizens in their daily lives.
The key learnings of D6.1 that brings to the e-shape pilots and EO community are:
The next steps after this deliverable is to leverage the communication strategy in a holistic approach.
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s website work. The main scope of the e-shape website is to disseminate information and raise awareness of the project's goals, activities and foreseen actions, allowing the different types of users to navigate smoothly and accurately across the various sections. The primary intention and goal is to reflect our project’s mission and brand identity to our website.
WP6 aims to create an e-shape website that will serve as the primary gateway to all information, news and updates related to the various project activities and results.
e-shape website is an environment that is dynamically refreshed and curated so that all external stakeholders can stay up-to-date with the latest developments, news, events, milestones, etc. of e-shape.
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s work on Dissemination. Our main goals are:
Through the dissemination activities, WP6 aims to bring added value by creating a sustainable cooperation community, not only among project partners, but also between diverse professional communities.
The key learnings of D6.3 that brings to the e-shape pilots and EO community are:
The next steps after this deliverable is to exploit and disseminate activities, designed in order to ensure the sustainability and further multiplication of the project outputs beyond the project period.
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This deliverable is part of e-shape’s Help Desk work. The primary goals of the e-shape Help Desk are to assist end-users, solve problems and maximize services value.
The key learnings of D6.4 that brings to the e-shape pilots and EO community are:
The next steps after this deliverable is for the Help Desk to be sustainable tool after completion of the project and meet the expectations of the EC- EuroGEOSS Initiative.
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This document reports the e-shape Communication and Dissemination actions carried out in the first 24 months of project implementation in line with the Communication & Dissemination Strategy and Action Plan of e-shape (deliverable D6.1, D6.3). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through the communication, dissemination and engagement activities.
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This document reports the e-shape Help Desk actions which carried out in the first 24 months of project implementation in line with the Help Desk strategy of e-shape (deliverable D6.4). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through Help Desk activities.
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This document reports the e-shape Communication and Dissemination actions carried out in the period 24 months to 34 months of project implementation in line with the Communication Strategy and Action Plan of e-shape (deliverable D6.1). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through the communication, dissemination and engagement activities.
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This document reports the seven (7) e-shape webinars, one per Showcase: Agriculture, Health, Energy, Ecosystem, Water, Disasters, Climate (Part A and Part B) carried out during the Sprint 2period from 26thof April until 16thof June 2022 in line with theDoW. The main goals of the webinar series were: A) to promote the results of the Showcases and Pilots, B) to increase awareness within the EO community and beyond, to the public and private sector as well as to the end users in order to maximize the project’s impact and C) to promote the e-shape Help Desk as a tool for the participants to submit their questions before, during and after the webinars. The Showcase Leaders in collaboration with the Pilot Leaders were responsible to organize and conduct the webinars. WP6 spearheaded the communication and dissemination strategy of the webinars and had the pivotal role to develop a roadmap with guidelines and timeline in order to support and streamline the organization of the webinars.
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This document reports the e-shape Communication and Dissemination actions carried out in the period 34monthsto 44 months of project implementation in line with the Communication Strategy and Action Plan of e-shape (deliverable D6.1). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through the communication, dissemination and engagement activities. It is worth mentioning that the injection of the mandatory Challenge (#14), which included dedicated communication plans for each Pilot in the Sprint activities, has been proven to be a game changer communication and dissemination-wise as well as a pivotal factor in achieving WP6 KPI’s, while reaching the niche audience in each Pilot’s domain of interest. As a result, the external impact of e-shape’s outreach strategy was significantly increased. This report includes a tracking of e-shape’s Communication KPIs, which were not only reached for all indicators but also exceeded the initial target for most of them.
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This document reports the e-shape Help Desk actions which carried out in the period 24 to 44 months of project implementation in line with the Help Desk strategy of e-shape (deliverable D6.4). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through Help Desk activities. The HelpDesk was instrumental in facilitating the onboarding process for e-shape as it enabled direct engagement with potential partners.
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This document reports the e-shape Communication and Dissemination actions carried out in the period 44 months to 48 months of project implementation in line with the Communication Strategy and Action Plan of e-shape (deliverable D6.1). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through the communication, dissemination and engagement activities.
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This document reports the e-shape Help Desk actions which carried out in the period 44 to 48 months of project implementation in line with the Help Desk strategy of e-shape (deliverableD6.4). The main objective of this deliverable is to highlight how the impact of the e-shape project was maximized through Help Desk activities.
Click here to download deliverable
The objective is to ensure compliance with the 'ethics requirements' set out in this work package.
Partners: ARMINES
To contact partners, click here
D7.1 H - Requirement No. 1 1 - ARMINES, Ethics, Confidential, M6
D7.2 POPD - Requirement No. 2 1 - ARMINES, Ethics Confidential, M6
D7.3 POPD - Requirement No. 3 1 - ARMINES, Ethics Confidential, M3
D7.4 NEC - Requirement No. 4 1 - ARMINES, Ethics Confidential, M 3
D7.5 GEN - Requirement No. 5 1 - ARMINES, Ethics, Confidential, M3
The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852