Our colleague Ioannis Manakos from the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH project partner) exquisitely represented the flagship H2020 project e-shape at the 2021 -22 NASA LCLUC Science Team Meeting & Silver Jubilee Celebration on the 18th to 20th of October, 2022 in Maryland, USA.
The main objective, during the NASA event, was to present the land cover and land use utilization within myEcosystem and Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture showcases of e-shape and provide ‘An Overview of European Research Directions in Land-Use Science’ aiming to facilitate exchange of knowledge and advancements with overseas colleagues, as a partial result of e-shape myEcosystem activities.
80-110 participants from various Universities, Research Organizations, Governmental Agencies and Companies, mainly NASA LCLUC program members, initiated lively discussions pivoted around the validity of the results and services, the agricultural pilots in relation with GEOGLAM and food security as well as the future developments from Landsat Next and Sentinel-2 missions and the way these improvements will influence our products and services.
The impact was immense since the audience of such a high level event, was introduced for the first time to the e-shape activities and outcomes with a targeted promotion of the e-shape project to the NASA LCLUC website.
Find the 1st poster here
Find the 2nd poster here
Find the full presentation here
The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement 820852