e-shape pilots at FPCUP seminar in Greece | Thessaloniki

e-shape pilots participated in the "Info-day on ‘Copernicus’ data and services: Northern Greece event

An info-day on the European Union's Earth Observation Programme ‘Copernicus’, was organized by the BEYOND Center of Excellence of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) in collaboration with PRAXI Network/FORTH, at the Municipal Library of Thessaloniki on the 30th November 2021. 

The info-day aimed to raise awareness in the Region of Northern Greece and informed the relevant players about the Copernicus EU Programme. The action aimed to reached all the potential Greek recipients (intermediate or end users) of Copernicus. It aimed particularly to demonstrate the emerging opportunities from using Copernicus to new groups of people, previously not aware of it but potentially very interested. Examples of uptake actions, success stories and discussions on 4 different EO thematics (Disasters, Energy, Food Security, Epidemics) were included. Additionally, a special workshop on the ‘Sustainable Agriculture’ thematic was offered to public authorities’ representatives. In this workshop, the participants learned in practical level the value and opportunities offered by Copernicus towards public services. 

The event was organized in the framework of the FPCUP (Caroline Herschel Framework Partnership Agreement), e-shape (H2020) and the EMPROS (EPAnEK 2014-2020) Projects. 

The e-shape Pilot 1.2 EU-CAP support, presented the Agrowth/Resagri platforms from Cotton Producers in Orchomenos and the new on-boarded pilot for Epidemics (Partner:Ecodevelopment S.A.) presented the EYWA platform

The event was published in the local e-newspaper of Northern Greece "TyposThes" with a special mention to the e-shape project.

Find here the full agenda.

FPCUP e shape brochure



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