e-shape @ EuroGEOSS 2019, 3-5 July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

The EuroGEOSS Workshop took place from 3 to 5 July 2019 at the Pavilhão do Conhecimento in Lisbon (Portugal). The event was co-organised by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the European Commission. 

The workshop brought together European players interested in and actively contributing to the Global Earth Observations System of Systems (GEOSS).

The aim was to look for synergies across projects, initiatives, to offer networking opportunities to the participants and to discuss how Europe can contribute to the international effort.

e-shape was officially introduced to GEO Community in EuroGEOSS Workshop 2019, which took place in Lisbon from 3rd to 5th of July. Most of the Showcases participated in seven dedicated side events.



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