Through its scale (partners, pilot’s users, and associated entities) and objectives, e-shape offers a unique opportunity to acquire and pass on knowledge that enables replication and scalability. However, this same parameter - scale - poses a significant challenge when considering the type of capacity building activities that could realistically be supported. Consequently, a modular approach was favoured to allow the e-shape pilots and the wider community use these tools according to need - individually or together - when undertaking capacity building activities internally, for themselves, or with their users. Four main topics - potentially more depending on need and resources available - were identified as relevant and pursued collaboratively. The draft iterations shall be refined in collaboration with the pilots and their users and subsequently developed into handbooks and webinars for the benefit of the wider EO community.


Assessing the maturity of EO activities at country level
A methodology for probing the EO operational environment
Presenting and finding EO services online
Shopping for Earth Observation-based products made easy
Introduction to co-design
Your tool for developing customer driven, sustainable services
Data Discoverability
The opportunity in harnessing user collected data