October 2019
It is with great pleasure that we launch the first newsletter of the H2020 e-shape project.

First and foremost, behind
e-shape project, we introduce our e-shape colleagues, being very proud that we assembled a network of more than 250 experts.
I strongly believe, that with joint effort, we will be able to come up to the expectations and meet the aspirations of the European Commission supporting substantially EuroGEO Regional Initiative implementation within GEO.

High-level policy engagements in agriculture, health, renewable energy, ecosystem management, and water management depend heavily on Earth Observation for their implementation. But how can European Citizens acknowledge the tremendous value created by Earth Observation?

This is the reason why the next four years users will be in the center of our attention. The 27 operational practical applications under 7 thematic areas, nurtured within e-shape, will demonstrate and communicate to European Citizens the added-value of Earth Observations to our daily lives, address societal challenges, foster entrepreneurship and support sustainable development, in alignment to the three main priorities of GEO (SDGs, Paris Agreement and Sendaï Framework). 
e-shape is about turning policy-making into action.

e-shape capitalizes on decades of investment in Earth Observation through leveraging Copernicus, making use of existing European capacities and improving user uptake of the data from GEO assets. Eventually, e-shape should contribute to creating a market-pull environment for Earth Observation services, increasing the demand for Earth Observation technologies and promoting Europe as a global force in EO-based services.  

In this issue,
e-shape brings you news and important milestones of our project.
Enjoy reading and do not hesitate to contact us through our website

Professor Thierry Ranchin, ARMINES - MINES ParisTech
PSL University, Scientific coordinator of 
Discover e-shape!
e-shape is a unique project that brings together decades of public investment in Earth Observation and in cloud capabilities into services for the decision-makers, the citizens, the industry and the researchers.
e-shape aspires to provide significant impetus to activities that will enable and accelerate a breakthrough in the European EO sector and the downstream markets that benefit from EO services. 
e-shape allows Europe to position itself as global force in EO through leveraging Copernicus, making use of existing European capacities and improving user uptake of the data from GEO assets.
Our services
e-shape co-design, towards user-centered services in EO context.

e-shape aims at developing EO-based services in a user-centric approach. Co-design is used as a toolbox to support the development of the 27 services. Existing co-design methods focusing on user-centricity tend to consider that it is all about involving users in the process.

However, in the Earth Observation context, developing services based on this type of data is particularly challenging, because of the high level of technical expertise needed, and the heterogeneity of actors to be involved. Because of these specificities, a co-design method specific to Earth Observation context is being developed within
e-shape, based on recent advances of design theory. Two distinct phases have been especially set up: 

Phase 1: a thorough initial diagnosis process to identify the actors to be involved and the types of problems to be solved;

Phase 2: the implementation of specific actions based on this diagnosis. To support these phases, specific tools have been developed based on an analytical framework.

They aim at providing a clear vision of the service, and the strategies to be adopted to develop and upscale the service in a sustainable way. The first version of this framework has been submitted to the scientific community through a communication paper: 

e-shape pilots will soon engage with the second phase of e-shape co-design. The method will be continuously updated to take into account lessons learned from these implementations. In the future, the method will also be valuable for onboard pilots, providing them with tested tools to develop their services in a sustainable way.
Our news
e-shape is pleased to announce its participation at this year’s GEO Week 2019 / Ministerial Summit held at Canberra, Australia, 4-9th November, that will unite tycoons from different scientific areas. 

The main goal is to bring together diverse people and cultures to support and sustain our planet and communities. Ministers from GEO’s 105 Member governments, business leaders, heads of international non-profits and passionate experts will meet at the largest and most influential event of the year. 

GEO Week 2019 will focus on accelerating the delivery of GEO’s Strategic Plan and will bring the GEO community together to scale-up the impact of Earth observations.

e-shape at...

Side events:

Monday 4th November, 09.00 -10.00 (Nicholls)
Showcasing European applications for policy support.
Presentations by:
Thierry Ranchin, The e-shape project (video)
Lionel Menard, The Energy action group (video)
Haris Kontoes, The Disaster action group (video)
JRC & VITO, The Agriculture action group (video)

Monday 4th November, 13.30-14.30 (Nicholls)
EO for Energy
Presentation by Lionel Menard

Ideas stage
Tuesday 5th November, 9.00 -9.15 
Co-design methods for the design of services based on GEO data - The e-shape case.
Presentation by Raphaëlle Barbier ; Pascal Le Masson 

Industry track
Tuesday 5th of November, 13.30-17.15 (Royal Theater)
Australia-Europe Industry Showcase & Melbourne Cup - Live
Presentation by Sven Gilliams – Agricultural Applications Team Leader, VITO

e-shape partner EARSC is hosting an EU-Australia industry event with the local partner FrontierSI. The event will take place on Tuesday afternoon during the Melbourne cup. Invited speakers will present their capabilities and a B2B networking opportunity. 

4/11-8/11 at European Commission's Booth 
8 posters will introduce
e-shape to GEO WEEK participants!
e-shape’s Advisory Board has been selected!

Over summer, the General Assembly of e-shape voted for the constitution of the Advisory Board. This governing body of e-shape is constituted of 15 top-ranking experts in their field of expertise. Their mission will be to provide advice concerning the orientation and the implementation of the project, and – as required -  to support the Executive Board in preparing decisions to be submitted to the General Assembly.

The list of Advisory Board members is indicated hereafter: 

Siri Jodha S. Khalsa - Univ. of Colorado, Boulder, USA
Luca Montanarella - JRC - European Commission
Ian Jarvis - GEO Secretariat, supporting GEOGLAM
Fabio Dioguardi - British Geological Survey, UK Research & Innovation
Patrick Cohendet - HEC Montréal, Canada
Peter Baumann - Jacobs University
Babara Ryan - GEO Director ret.
Roberta Bonì - Department of Earth & Environmental Sciences - Univ. of Pavia
Roberto Tomás - Universidad de Alicante, Spain
Jasper van Loon - Netherlands Space Office
Jörg Klausen - MeteoSwiss
Lotta Lautsuo - Conmio, Lautsuo Associates
Marcello Maranesi - Former CEO e-GEOS
Douglas CRIPE - GEO Secretariat
Fabio Dioguardi - British Geological Survey, UK Research & Innovation
Reinhard Blasi - EU Space Programme Agency
Bye Bente Lijla - BLB (consulting)
Joint e-shape - NextGEOSS webinar. Save the date!
18/10/2019  - 15:00 CEST

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Pioneering H2020 project
e-shape strengthens the benefits for Europe of GEO - establishing 'EuroGEO'

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Our first e-shape result has “erupted”!

Mount Etna, Europe's most active and “youngest” volcano, spewed ash once again, on May 30th, 2019.

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Launch of the e-shape solar energy monitoring application for Europe and North Africa!

This real-time service uses and produces big data for 1.5 million pixels every 15 minutes based on the Solar Energy Nowcasting SystEm SENSE which was designed, developed and applied as a pilot in the framework of the EU-funded projects BEYOND EO Center, GEO-CRADLE and e-shape.

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We are out there!
GEO WEEK 2019, 4-9 November 2019, Canberra, Australia
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Industry Track launches at, GEO Week 2019, 4-9 November 2019, Canberra, Australia
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Phi Week 2019, 10 September 2019, Frascati, Italy
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STEAM/G-CLASS/Hydroterra Open Science Meeting
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Coordinators' Day 2019, 6 September 2019, Brussels, Belgium
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FOSS4G Bucharest 2019, 30 July 2019, Bucharest, Romania
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EuroGEOSS 2019, 3-5 July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal
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World Soils 2019 User Consultation Meeting, 2-3 July, ESA-ESRIN
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EXPANDEO 2019, "A day with EO Conference", 20 June 2019, Brussels, Belgium
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Kerkini Lake Protected Area Authority, 10 June 2019, Kerkini Lake, Greece
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ESA Living Planet Symposium, 15th of May 2019, Milan, Italy
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General Assembly Meeting,
Cannes, France, 7-9 May 2019

e-shape (EuroGEO Showcases: Applications Powered by Europe), a new project coordinated by ARMINES and funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Programme was successfully launched in Cannes, France on 9-10 May 2019.

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Copyright © 2019 e-shape, All rights reserved.

The e-shape project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 (
H2020) research & innovation  programme under

grant agreement No 820852.

Project Duration: 01/05/2019 - 30/04/2023 (48 Months)

Project Homepage: www.

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